Gain Administrative Experience Quicky with Temp Work

Gain Administrative Experience Quicky with Temp Work

Administrative experience can unlock significant opportunities in your career. However, it can prove difficult to build enough experience to land the higher-paying jobs you want. Temp work can provide an important bridge – you can gain the experience you need quickly and drive your professional development forward. Temporary assignments give you an important shortcut for…

A Good Fit – Staffing firms have this temp coming back for more

We’d like to reprint and share this article from Kendra Payne.  You can find the original article at  We hope you enjoy the article.   I have relied on staffing agencies to locate work for me since I graduated from high school. They have been a good fit for me, even today. The firms…

Preparing for the Interview

You’ve done your research and networking.  All that hard work has finally paid off and you’ve scheduled an interview.  Congratulations!  A sense of euphoria and relief comes over you as you believe you have finally landed a job.  The interview is the easy part you think.  I’ll ace this and all will be right with…

Getting the Best from Your Temporary Staffing Recruiter or How to Ruin Your Chance of Getting a Job

I have often wondered why many people have different expectations when interviewing with staffing firms than they would with about any other hiring organization.  Perhaps it is because most people don’t really understand what a recruiter does.  Ever heard someone complain about a recruiter “not finding them a job?” Yes, times have changed.  Twenty or…