The Benefits of Promoting a Strong Work-Life Balance

The Benefits of Promoting a Strong Work-Life Balance

As an employer, you have a certain stake in which way the proverbial work/life balance tips. You’re aggressively focused on Team Work. That’s a given; it’s just part of the process. Still, even with your built-in preference, you shouldn’t try to monopolize all your employees’ time and attention. There’s an operational benefit to letting Team Life win a couple of rounds. Balance really does mean balance. And it’s not…

How to Show Appreciation for Your Team This Holiday Season

How to Show Appreciation for Your Team This Holiday Season

2020, right? It’s been a complicated, scary, unprecedented year. But, barring anything truly catastrophic, the holiday season is still coming. And it presents the perfect opportunity to thank your team for their contributions during the difficult months you just slogged through together.  Showing appreciation represents an important component of team spirit. Letting workers know how valuable they are can boost morale and…

Deciphering a Neutral Reference Check

Deciphering a Neutral Reference Check

You think you’ve found the perfect candidate. Now, you just have to go through the motions of checking references. One problem: you aren’t getting the ecstatic praise you had expected. The commentary from former bosses and coworkers isn’t bad. It just isn’t good either.  What can you learn from this? How do you decipher a neutral reference check?  It’s a complicated process of decoding. It’s like reading a…

Your Job Descriptions Could Be The Reason You Aren’t Getting the Right Candidates

Your Job Descriptions Could Be The Reason You Aren’t Getting the Right Candidates

The early stages of the recruitment process always come with so much hope. You post a job description and wait for the perfect candidate to find you. What happens when the ideal person never appears? Hope turns to disappointment and you get ready to settle for “good enough.”  But why didn’t you find that flawless applicant? Well,…

Upskilling During a Pandemic: Why Training is More Important than Ever

Upskilling During a Pandemic: Why Training is More Important than Ever

The COVID outbreak has dramatically changed perspectives in a very short period of time. Thanks to the pandemic, a lot of previously high-ranking priorities have moved to the back burner. Things that once seemed important now fade in comparison to the economic and personal turmoil the disease has caused.   However, you shouldn’t put training in this category. Don’t think of upskilling your staff as a “we’ll get…

How to Staff to Prepare for the Second Wave of COVID

How to Staff to Prepare for the Second Wave of COVID

News that governments were reducing COVID-related restrictions sparked a wave of business optimism this summer. It looked like the pandemic had finally run its course. However, those hopeful signs came with a major worry: what about a second wave?   The likelihood of a renewed outbreak is in doubt and the potential shape it would take is open to speculation….

Why Forming Relationships With Temporary Employees is So Important

Why Forming Relationships With Temporary Employees is So Important

Temporary employees: here today, gone tomorrow. Why get invested? Sadly, that’s a common attitude toward temp workers. It’s also a mistake. Forming a relationship with your temporary employees can lead to a number of important long-term benefits.  Don’t let your time with temps go to waste. Building a long-term connection can open up new potential and help you develop a meaningful talent pipeline. At the…