How to Help an Unhappy Employee

How to Help an Unhappy Employee

In your vision, life at your company resembles a joyous utopia. Everyone fills their role competently and efficiently, while simultaneously feeling fulfilled and content in their roles. Just smiles, warm feelings, and profits all around. Unfortunately, it can’t always be that way. Employees will get discontent. Whether its dissatisfaction with their compensation, frustration about the…

Is It Worth Taking the Job if You Were Offered Less Money?

Is It Worth Taking the Job if You Were Offered Less Money?

After a tedious application process and a series of grueling interviews, you’ve finally gotten that job offer. You should be elated. However, there’s a problem: the salary. The money part of the compensation package just doesn’t live up to your expectations. Now, you’ve got a quandary. Should you settle for the lower salary or turn…

Address Workplace Stress

Address Workplace Stress

No workplace can avoid stress completely. Trying to get things done with limited resources and with tight deadlines (you know, any business venture) naturally leads to tension and strain. However, it’s important to keep it in check. Too much stress becomes seriously counterproductive. It leads to increased sick days and diminished morale. Meanwhile, these factors…