What to Do If a Position Isn’t Right for You

What do I do now - SmartTalentYour job search has ended and you’ve taken a position; you’re happy to begin working. Unfortunately, sometimes your new career doesn’t work out exactly as you expected it to. You could find yourself in a position that makes you unhappy and may end up eager to leave and start the job search all over again.

If you don’t like the work you are doing, it is OK to leave – but make sure you take the right steps when a position isn’t right for you. If you are unhappy at your job and want to leave:

  • Be honest with your recruiter. Don’t hide the fact you are unhappy because you’ll eventually burn out from doing work you dislike. Contact your recruiter as soon as possible and explain what you don’t like about the situation. Your recruiter may have tips to help you feel better about the job, or can begin the process of looking for a replacement and a new opportunity for you.
  • Try to stick it out for at least a little while. Instead of leaving right away, try to keep working until you are replaced. Working in the interim until you find another job can benefit you, as you can keep earning a paycheck while your recruiter looks for another opportunity. You also won’t make a bad impression with the business by leaving the company shorthanded.
  • Don’t burn your bridges. You never know when a different job will open up with the company or when you’ll encounter people from the company in a different work environment. It is best to be respectful of the opportunity and leave on good terms rather than making enemies in your industry. 

When you work with a professional staffing agency, your recruiter should be able to find a position where you are a good fit. Of course, even the best staffing professionals can sometimes place someone in a job they don’t like. When this happens, work with your recruiter to make the best of a bad situation and to find a new position. SmartTalent can help.

If you’re looking for a job in Kirkland, Fife, Renton, Lynnwood, Lacey, or surrounding locations, contact us today to find out more about what our staffing agency can do for you.

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