Five Qualities to Look for in Warehouse Employees

dec-five-qualities-to-look-for-in-warehouse-employeesIf you are hiring warehouse employees, you want people who are going to do a good job for your company and who your business can count on. It’s hard to know sometimes whether or not a particular candidate will make a good worker. The interview process can tell you a lot, but you need to know what to look for as you conduct interviews.

Some of the key traits to be on the lookout for when hiring warehouse employees include:

  • The ability to learn quickly. You want your warehouse workers to pick up on the necessary skills so they can hit the ground running and become productive right away. Hiring fast learners is also important in case you ever need someone to fill in for a different position, or in case you need to make changes to protocol.
  • A good safety record. Every worker in your warehouse needs to be committed to safety. Hire staff members who have a good record of following safety rules and avoiding workplace incidents.
  • Punctuality. It is imperative for everyone to be on time in order for productivity levels to stay high. Look for a job candidate who shows up on time or early to the interview, and who has shown they can be punctual.
  • Solid work ethic. You can get an idea of past work ethic by talking with the potential employee about past positions and their attitude towards the job. An employee with strong work ethic is going to be much more productive than someone who may not be as committed to giving the job their all.
  • Good teamwork skills. You want someone who will be a good fit with your existing workers, works well with others, and is willing to step up as a member of the team and do what it takes to get things done.

SmartTalent can help you find qualified warehouse employees in Kirkland, Fife, Renton, Lacey, Lynwood, Everett and surrounding areas. Our staffing professionals make your hiring process easy by putting you in touch with candidates in our strong network who have the qualities and experience that you are looking for. Give us a call today to find out more.

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