Hiring for the Bigger Picture

When hiring employees for your company, you don’t just want to hire a candidate that fits your current needs. Your business is hopefully evolving to stay competitive and growing all the time to become more successful than ever.

You want to build institutional memory, which means finding candidates who will be with you for the long-haul who can help you to continue to thrive in the future. This means you need to hire with the bigger picture in mind. To ensure you are hiring employees who will be strong members of your team both now and in the future:

  • Set goals for where you want your company to be in five years. You cannot hire staff members to help your business achieve long-term goals unless you know what those goals are. Have a business plan that shows where you want to be and a roadmap to achieve your goals so you can decide exactly what positions you need to fill.
  • Consider gaps in the skills that your current staff members have. When you hire job candidates, you want them to bring in new skills. Don’t just look for someone who can fill the narrow job description for an open position — find someone who can do the job but bring a different perspective or new talents that could benefit your business in unexpected ways.
  • Find employees who seem to be a good fit for the corporate culture you hope to create. Building a corporate culture that promotes growth is vital to company survival over the long term. Look for candidates who are team players and who will enhance your efforts to create a strong corporate culture focused on remaining on the cutting edge of your industry.
  • Look for innovation and a willingness to embrace chance when hiring. Companies must evolve, often in unexpected ways. You want candidates who can go with the flow, rather than an employee who is too stuck in his ways and unwilling to look at new ideas.

Finally, one of the best ways to hire candidates who can help your company to thrive today, tomorrow and a long time in the future, is to work with a staffing service. Staffing professionals can help you be successful in hiring for the big picture by helping you to identify the ideal candidate and find a person who has the capacity to grow with your company.

SmartTalent has helped many employers in Kirkland, Fife, Renton, Lacey, Lynnwood, Everett and surrounding areas to find staff members who stay with their organizations for years. To find out how we can help you with hiring temporary employees and hiring direct hire staff members, give us a call today.

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