How Much Does Body Language Influence How Well You Interview?

A job interview is about more than what you say. It’s also about how you say it. Body language can significantly impact how you are received in any social encounter. As such, you need to consider this presentation when you head to your next interview.

Nonverbal communication matters. Some experts claim that these unspoken clues provide more than 90% more impact than words themselves. Meanwhile, one study found that just 7% of a message was carried through the words you choose to say, with another 38% coming through tone of voice and other vocal elements. Meanwhile, fully 55% of a message came through nonverbal elements.

Realizing that nonverbal cues mean a lot during a job interview points to a broader truth: you need to take a holistic approach to the process. At its heart, the interview represents a kind of performance. As such, you need to consider every detail of your presentation.

All of this can contribute to the stress of a job interview (as if it needed any additional pressure). You can alleviate some of this anxiety by finding a strong recruiting partner like SmartTalent. Reach out to SmartTalent to ensure that you find situations well-suited to your skills and background, relieving some of the tension.

Even with the best support, you’ll still need to present your best self when you show up for the interview. With that in mind, here are a few body-language tips that will help you feel more comfortable and impress your interviewers:

Get Off to a Good Start

Think about your entrance. This will form the interviewers’ initial impressions of you. A great first take will set the tone for the rest of the conversation.

Start with a Handshake

COVID briefly made the handshake irrelevant. However, as the pandemic restrictions loosened, this key greeting has made a comeback. As such, you should be prepared to get the most out of this crucial introduction.

Practice your technique with your friends and family. Master the perfect grip. A well-delivered handshake will help get you on the interviewers’ good side early in the process.

Don’t Fidget

Stillness often reads as confidence. Bouncing your foot or playing with a pen — these ticks can become distracting. Yes, you’ll have a lot of nervous energy to contain. But limit your fidgeting as much as possible.

This task gets easier when you know you’re a good fit for the job. SmartTalent can connect you with the best employers in your industry, making sure you walk into any interview with a confident, optimistic attitude. Connect with SmartTalent to maximize your career potential.

Make Eye Contact

Build a connection with the people you’re talking to in the interview. As much as possible, make eye contact as the discussion progresses.

Don’t Slouch

Watch your posture. Keep your back straight and your feet on the floor. This will project an attitude of confidence and self-assuredness.

Avoid Aggressive Hand Gestures

You want to be expressive and engaging. As such, you can’t spend the interview sitting absolutely still. However, you need to be judicious in your movements. Avoid aggressive hand and arm gestures, keeping your general demeanor calm and professional.

Want to get the most out of your job interviews? SmartTalent can give you the guidance and insight you need to maximize your professional development.

Contact SmartTalent today to learn more.

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