Do Your Employees Care About Safety?

safety-first-smarttalentWorkplace safety is absolutely essential on every job site, from an office to a construction environment. If your employees get hurt, their illness or injury could trigger an investigation by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, fines, a workers’ comp claim or even criminal charges if your work site is found to be deliberately unsafe. Make sure workplace safety is a top priority on your work sites. This means training staff to be focused on safety and making sure your staff cares about maintaining a work environment with minimal risk.

Fortunately, there are some things you can do to create a culture of safety and make sure employees are prioritizing safe work sites. For example, you should:

  • Model the desired behavior. Make sure everyone on your staff, from executives on down, are committed to safety. No one should ever be cutting corners, and every person should always wear appropriate safety gear and follow recommended safety protocols.
  • Provide appropriate safety training. Employees may want to focus on workplace safety, but may not be 100 percent sure where to start. Provide them with the training and information they need to succeed. You should provide training on how to be safe, and make sure your training methods cover the whys of different policies so the safety protocols make sense.
  • Foster accountability. You should consider putting one or more people in charge of particular safety tasks. If no one is accountable, everyone on the staff may assume someone else will take care of the important safety details.
  • Create contests and incentives. Many employers will create contests or incentives, like providing rewards if employees go a certain number of days without any safety violations or on-the-job accidents.

You also need to hire skilled and competent workers who will be receptive to safety training, who will follow instructions and who will help others. SmartTalent staffing professionals can help you to find dedicated and skilled workers who will help make your work sites safe. Contact us today to find out how our staffing service can help you to find employees in Kirkland, Fife, Renton, Lacey, Lynnwood, Everett and surrounding areas.

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