How to Set Realistic & Achievable Career Goals for 2021

How to Set Realistic & Achievable Career Goals for 2021

Along with its many other consequences, 2020 altered a lot of career trajectories. What’s more, the lingering economic uncertainty makes it difficult to plan for the future. Still, you can’t hold steady, waiting for better times. You need to find a way to continue to make progress, despite the challenging situation.  That’s right: 2021 is coming. And with the New Year, you need…

Why So Many People Are Indifferent About Using a Staffing Agency and Why You Shouldn’t Be

Why So Many People Are Indifferent About Using a Staffing Agency and Why You Shouldn’t Be

 About 16 million jobs are filled each year through staffing companies. At the same time, around 9 out of every 10 employers utilize recruiting firms in some way. But ask a typical job seeker about a staffing firm and what do you usually get? Yawns. Shrugs. General lack of enthusiasm.   Why? Why are so many people indifferent about using…

How a Good Work-Life Balance Can Make You a Better Employee

How a Good Work-Life Balance Can Make You a Better Employee

It may seem like a good employee is always focused on work. And while dedication is crucial to achieving career success, complete devotion to your job can often backfire. In many ways, you become a better employee when you maintain a good work/life balance.  This may seem counterintuitive. But becoming a more well-rounded person augments your ability…

Safety Practices All Warehouse Employees Should Follow

Safety Practices All Warehouse Employees Should Follow

If things are going well, your warehouse will be busy and in constant motion. However, this activity can increase the chance of injuries. To keep things humming, you need a consistent focus on safety, with every worker committed to maintaining compliance. In other words, all employees should follow the best safety practices in order to protect everyone’s…

Why You Should Look for a Job Before Unemployment Runs Out

Why You Should Look for a Job Before Unemployment Runs Out

As the economy fitfully ramps up again after the COVID-19 outbreak, many workers face a difficult question: head back to work or stay on unemployment? It underlines an issue that comes up any time a layoff happens. But, ultimately, you’re likely better off finding a job before the unemployment runs out.  Now, the debate is particularly pointed. In…