Helping Your Employees Set SMART Goals

Helping Your Employees Set SMART Goals

Business writers never get tired of cute phrases, abbreviations, and pneumonic devices. From the “KISS” rule to B2B paradigm shifts to The Peter Principle to “pivoting to video,” generations of careers have been made coining and popularizing buzzword-y ways to describe management and recruiting trends. While these often exist as eye roll-inducing advertising for corporate…

What Should Your Policy Be on Tattoos and Piercings?

What Should Your Policy Be on Tattoos and Piercings?

When your grandparents first entered the workforce, many companies had bans on tattoos and significant restrictions on piercings. The prohibitions were common and not something hiring professionals had to think much about. At the time, tattoos were mainly for sailors and bikers, and piercings anywhere but a woman’s earlobes might only come up when casting…

How to Know If a Candidate Is Lying to You During the Interview

How to Know If a Candidate Is Lying to You During the Interview

A job candidate flies through the recruiting process. Great resume. Stellar interview. Says all the right things and describes all the right experiences. You bring them in for their first day. Disaster. They have no idea what they’re doing. It quickly dawns on you: the perfect resume, the impressive interview … all lies. Now you…

Making Safety a Priority on All Shifts

Making Safety a Priority on All Shifts

Your business operates 24 hours a day. You can’t oversee it all that time (although you try). Additional shifts mean additional profits. Unfortunately, they also mean additional complications. Take safety, for instance. Maintaining safety standards across your second and third shifts can pose a significant challenge. Non-traditional shifts are often more difficult to control directly….

Training Employees to Spot Hazardous Situations

Training Employees to Spot Hazardous Situations

Safety starts with employees. Frontline workers can operate like a safety spy network, deployed throughout your facility, looking for possible hazards and reporting them before they become real problems. Run-of-the-mill operations take employees through most parts of your facility on a day-to-day basis. They are in a great position to find potentially dangerous situations early….