What to Do With Employee Survey Results

What to Do With Employee Survey Results

The COVID-19 outbreak made communication with your team a critical lever in reacting to a fast–changing situation. As you consider safety issues and operational challenges going forward, employee surveys provide an excellent method for gathering opinions and using them to make the best decisions possible. But just handing out a questionnaire doesn’t do much good. You need to know what…

How a Temporary Position Can Help Restart Your Career

How a Temporary Position Can Help Restart Your Career

Even when you prioritize your career, life can get in the way. Events happen that force you to take a break from your professional life. But that doesn’t mean you have to stay away forever. Temporary positions provide excellent re-entry points, helping you restart your career following an absence.  The list of reasons to pause your career…

Are You Saying Enough in Your Job Descriptions?

Are You Saying Enough in Your Job Descriptions?

A Job description represents your first introduction to a potential new employee. It could be the first communication in a long, productive relationship. Or it can end any potential association in an instant.   Given this importance, you have to ask yourself some important questions. Are you saying enough? Are you giving enough information in your job descriptions to draw the…

What if My Employees Don’t Want to Come Back to Work?

What if My Employees Don’t Want to Come Back to Work?

The economy is slowly emerging from its COVID-induced hibernation. Businesses are reopening, and employees are returning to work. However, some workers might be reluctant to rush back into the outside world. What can you do if your employees don’t want to come back to work?  Coaxing your best employees back to work might be more difficult…

How to Learn From a Crisis

How to Learn From a Crisis

Surviving a crisis is a punishing, exhausting experience. The key, though, isn’t just to get through the painful times. You want to go beyond the treading-water phase, and use the situation to improve your operations going forward. In other words, you want to learn from the crisis. This theme is crucial as we enter the…

Tips For Bringing A New Employee Into Your Company Culture

Tips For Bringing A New Employee Into Your Company Culture

Onboarding new employees can present a challenge. They are immediately inundated with new procedures, new expectations, new coworkers, and a new environment. In this process, culture can take a backseat to matters that seem to have more practical significance. However, it’s just as important to bring a new employee into your company culture during these early…

Why Now Might Be the Best Time to Survey Employees

Why Now Might Be the Best Time to Survey Employees

It’s official: 2020 has been a mess. The coronavirus outbreak threw everyone’s business plans into disarray. Now, it looks like many of the restrictions will be lifting soon. However, a return to normal operations might involve a complicated process.   Getting insights from your employees can help. The info you gather from them can smooth the process…

What Do I Do When I Think a Candidate Is Exaggerating on Their Resume?

What Do I Do When I Think a Candidate Is Exaggerating on Their Resume?

Spotting an exaggeration on a resume can be hard. After all, every job candidate wants to present themselves in the best light. Still, some applicants take the process too far. These tellers of tall tales go far beyond spinning the truth and into the territory of flat-out lies.   Your job as an interviewer is to identify when a…