When Was the Last Time You Updated Your Job Descriptions?

When Was the Last Time You Updated Your Job Descriptions?

Are you getting the right candidates for your open positions? Are you getting any qualified candidates at all? Do you have to sift through reams of unpromising resumes before you find that rare exciting applicant? If you’re getting the wrong answers to these questions, you should rethink your process. In fact, you might need to…

Your Job Descriptions Could Be The Reason You Aren’t Getting the Right Candidates

Your Job Descriptions Could Be The Reason You Aren’t Getting the Right Candidates

The early stages of the recruitment process always come with so much hope. You post a job description and wait for the perfect candidate to find you. What happens when the ideal person never appears? Hope turns to disappointment and you get ready to settle for “good enough.”  But why didn’t you find that flawless applicant? Well,…

Are You Saying Enough in Your Job Descriptions?

Are You Saying Enough in Your Job Descriptions?

A Job description represents your first introduction to a potential new employee. It could be the first communication in a long, productive relationship. Or it can end any potential association in an instant.   Given this importance, you have to ask yourself some important questions. Are you saying enough? Are you giving enough information in your job descriptions to draw the…