Boost Your Confidence Before a Job Interview with These Tips!

Boost Your Confidence Before a Job Interview with These Tips!

Job interviews make you nervous? You’re not alone. In fact, that feeling is almost universal. One study showed that 93% of candidates feel anxious heading into a meeting with a prospective employer. Still, you need to take steps to curb those jitters. A calm, confident performance will help you land the job. By getting your…

The Best Ways to Find an Entry Level Position as a Recent College Graduate

The Best Ways to Find an Entry Level Position as a Recent College Graduate

You’ve worked hard to earn your college degree. But now that you’ve received your diploma, it’s time to start a new journey. Your career is about to start — you just need to find the perfect entry-level position to jumpstart your professional development. This isn’t always simple. One study showed that more than half of…

Tips on How to Answer Skill-Based Questions During an Interview

Tips on How to Answer Skill-Based Questions During an Interview

You thought you left exams behind when you finished school. Unfortunately, some job interviews get that test-like feel. Beyond the traditional questions about your background and work habits, many employers also mix in skill-based questions. These require a different kind of preparation. For more general questions, it’s possible to compose standard answers. You may tweak…

How Temporary Positions Are a Great Way to Gain Experience and Decide on a Career Path

How Temporary Positions Are a Great Way to Gain Experience and Decide on a Career Path

Careers last a long time. Your work life will span decades, meaning that any decision you make can reverberate for years to come: no pressure or anything. However, even with these long-term implications, you don’t need to be gripped by uncertainty as you scroll through job postings. There are ways to create flexibility while still…

What You Should Already Know About the Employer Before Going Into The Interview

What You Should Already Know About the Employer Before Going Into The Interview

Success usually requires significant preparation. That’s certainly true for job interviews. Headed into your meeting with a prospective employer, you should already know as much as possible about the company. Armed with this information, you can raise your chances of scoring the job. Rather than treating each interview as a generic event, your research allows…