Did I Get the Job?

When you ace a job interview and are feeling really good about your interactions with the hiring manager, it is natural to be excited about your job prospects. In fact, you may be so confident that getting hired is a sure thing you are tempted to ask if you got the job.

Don’t ask this question. This is unprofessional, it puts the hiring manager in a difficult spot and it is unlikely to help advance your candidacy. A hiring manager is rarely going to be ready to share an immediate yes or no as soon as the interview is over. Even if they are planning to hire you, they need time to work out logistics first.

So, what should you do instead of asking if you got the job?

  • Ask what the next steps are. Instead of asking if you got the job at the end of the interview, it is far better to ask about the next steps in the hiring process. A simple question about what comes next will give the hiring manager the chance to offer the job if he wants to … and will also give you insight into when you can expect to hear back about the position.
  • Stay in touch. After you leave an interview, you should keep in contact so you can find out what is happening with the hiring process. Keeping in touch also keeps you top-of-mind with the hiring manager so they’re more likely to take the leap into offering you a position. Send a polite thank-you note after your interview, and follow up after a few days with an email or phone call to check the status of your candidacy.
  • Continue your job search as you wait for an answer. Until you actually get an offer, don’t give up your job search. There is no reason to waste time waiting for an offer and potentially losing out on a few days of looking for work. You can give up the search once an offer of employment is official.

SmartTalent can help you to find open positions in Kirkland, Fife, Renton, Lacey, Lynwood, Everett and surrounding areas. Let our staffing professionals match you with employers who are looking for people with your skills so you can maximize the chances of a successful job search. Call today to find out how we can help.

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