Is Your Job Search Stuck?

The job search process can get frustrating quickly, especially when you feel you’re seeing the same kind of job ads over and over and sending out resumes time and again yet never moving forward in the process. If you are stuck in a job search rut, don’t just take any job you come across or get annoyed with the hiring process and give up. There are a few things you can do to break out of your unsuccessful patterns and make your job search more successful than you imagined. You can:

  • Work with a recruiter or staffing firm: Staffing firms have a vast network of companies who trust them to help with their hiring. Staffing professionals often know about jobs that are not posted publicly, and they know how to make good connections between candidates and companies that are likely to result in a successful hire.
  • Expand the types of opportunities that you’re looking for: You may be focused on finding a type of position and may be missing out on opportunities to use your skills. If you’re stuck in a rut, it doesn’t hurt to expand your job search and apply for positions in a related field or industry. You never know – you may find something you like even better than your past job.
  • Refresh your resume: If your resume isn’t customized to each job you apply to, or not the best possible reflection of your abilities as a candidate, it could be costing you opportunities. Ask your recruiter to look at it to see if it can be improved or consider giving it an overhaul to make it more organized, easy to read, and focused on the most important related jobs you have had in the past.
  • Tap into your network: Let your friends, family and former co-workers know you are looking for work. Go online and network using tools like LinkedIn and other social media sites and consider joining industry groups in your area to meet new people and potentially find out about new professional opportunities.

SmartTalent can help you to make your job search more effective in Kirkland, Fife, Renton, Lacey, Lynnwood, Everett and surrounding areas. Let our staffing professionals help you explore exciting opportunities, make connections at top companies and break your job search rut. Give us a call today to find out how we can help you.

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