Help Your Temporary Employees Be Productive from Day One

When you bring temporary employees on board at your organization, you want to get the most value from these human resources – especially if they will only be working at your company a short time. To ensure temporary employees are fulfilling their roles and adding value to your organization, there are a few techniques you can use to help temp workers be productive from day one:

  • Ensure you have a good onboarding process. While it may be tempting to skip the formal onboarding process for workers who aren’t going to be with your organization long term, this type of corner cutting will only impede productivity. New staff members, even if they’re only temporary, need to understand how your organization works and their role within it. An onboarding process allows for this essential information to be imparted.
  • Review your training protocols. It’s important your training process and protocols give temp employees the information they need to succeed in the job. If temp employees don’t know what to do, it’s time to refine your training.
  • Establish open communication. You want temp employees to feel comfortable asking questions and knowing who to go to if they need assistance. Make it clear you’re eager to offer advice and assistance and let temp workers know who their allies are when they have questions.
  • Check in regularly. You want to make sure you are monitoring the progress of temp workers, available to offer guidance, and able to step in if there are issues that need to be addressed. By checking in regularly, you can also give temp workers the chance to obtain the information they need from you to do their jobs properly – and you show them they have an ally in the organization so they’re more likely to work harder.

Hiring the right temp workers is essential to ensure you bring people on board who are ready to hit the ground running. SmartTalent can help. Our staffing professionals will work with you to find skilled temp workers in Kirkland, Fife, Renton, Lacey, Lynnwood, Everett and surrounding areas. To find out more about the assistance we can provide, give us a call today.

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