Resigning Professionally

Quitting plays a part in almost every professional life. At some point, you might need to move on to a better opportunity. However, there are right ways and wrong ways to make your exit. Learning how to resign professionally can make a significant difference in your big-picture career development.

Every employer is prepared for the occasional departure. In pre-COVID times, average turnover rates across all industries hovered just below 20%. Meanwhile, recent years have seen a spike in the pace of workers leaving for greener pastures. Last year, at the height of the Great Resignation, almost 48 million workers quit their jobs.

Of course, you’d rather avoid the necessity of jumping to a new job. A top recruiter, like SmartTalent, can steer you to the type of positions that you’ll want to thrive in for years to come. Connect with SmartTalent to locate those high-value situations.

However, there might be times when you want to join the millions of others who are looking to switch positions. When that happens, here are some tips you can use to resign professionally and protect your reputation:

Plan Your Exit

Maybe you’ve fantasized about storming out of your job in an epic departure people will talk about for years to come. It’s a fun daydream. But a bad way to handle things in real life.

Sometimes you need a change. Don’t feel bad about wanting to move on to a new challenge. However, don’t make an abrupt decision. Think about your exit ahead of time and devise a plan that makes the transition as smooth as possible.

Think about What You Want to Say

Part of your plan should include determining what you want to say on your way out. This way, you can write out a resignation message that captures a professional tone and leaves the maximum amount of good feeling.

Talk to Your Manager

As you plot your departure, open a dialog with your direct supervisor. Sometimes, this won’t be possible until you’ve already worked out the details. However, if you have a manager you trust, you can include them earlier in the process.

Follow Exit Procedures

Your company might have a protocol in place related to employee departures. As much as possible, stick to the process. Work with HR. Follow the steps and fill out the paperwork. It might feel like busy work, but it will help make a good impression on the people you are leaving behind.

When you’re ready for a new job, there are lots of details to consider. SmartTalent can help you work through any complications. Reach out to SmartTalent to find the ideal job and get the support you need to transition to the next stage of your career.

Provide Enough Notice

Give as much notice as possible. This gives your soon-to-be-former employer time to find a replacement and ensure a smooth transition. Of course, in some cases, your departure date will be out of your hands (your new employer likely has plans of their own). But to the extent possible, work with your manager and HR to give them as much support as you can.

Don’t Stop Working at Your Highest Level

When you know you’re moving on to greener pastures, a kind of senioritis can set in. It isn’t easy to maintain high-level engagement. Fight this tendency to slack off. Give your best effort through your final day on the job.

Stay Connected

Once you’ve left, don’t forget about your former company. Stay in contact with your manager and coworkers. These represent key connections in your professional network. At the same time, you never know when your career will circle back around to a better opportunity at your one-time employer.

Ready to leave your current position and find something new? SmartTalent will give you the support and guidance you need to discover the perfect opportunity.

Contact SmartTalent today to find your ideal job.

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