Are You in Search of the Perfect Candidate?

During the hiring process, it is far too easy to get caught up in the search for the perfect job candidate who can satisfy the criteria you think is necessary for success. Unfortunately, if you let yourself become bogged down in an effort to find a textbook-perfect candidate, you may miss out on lots of great people who could do wonderful things for your business.

The reality is there is no such thing as the perfect candidate, but there are a lot of job seekers who can accomplish more than you ever imagined for your business. You should abandon your search for a candidate who embodies everything you’ve been dreaming of and start looking for a candidate with most of the skills and abilities you need because:

  • You’ll be able to hire someone much faster. When your team is operating at less than capacity, productivity suffers and employee morale can be harmed. If you look for a perfect job candidate, you could spend months or even years short-staffed. You can make the hiring process move much more quickly if you give up your quest for an imaginary candidate who exists only in your mind.
  • A less-than-perfect candidate can bring unexpected skills to the table. You may have a preconceived idea of the exact skill set you believe an employee must have to succeed. If you are overly focused on this pre-established set of characteristics, you may miss out on candidates who bring something extra to the table. Listen carefully to job seekers during interviews as they explain why they believe they’re the right candidate for the job. You may just find that someone with different skills than you expected shows you exactly why he’s the right person for the position.
  • The criteria you consider most important may not be what really matters to job success. A job candidate who looks different than your ideal may be able to bring a fresh, creative perspective to the table that helps your company more than just hiring another ā€œperfectā€ fit who has the same skills as everyone else on your team.

While there is no such thing as the perfect candidate, there are candidates out there who will be perfectly suited to helping your company grow and achieve success. SmartTalent can connect your company with lots of great workers who will be an asset to your organization. To learn how staffing professionals can help your company streamline the hiring process and find the right job candidate in Kirkland, Fife, Renton, Lacey, Lynnwood, Everett and surrounding areas, give us a call today.

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