Make these Job Search Tweaks to Stay Motivated After Rejection

Make these Job Search Tweaks to Stay Motivated After Rejection

It only takes one. That’s what you need to tell yourself as you make your way through the job-search process. Wading through a series of rejections can fuel frustration and undermine your confidence. But at the end of all those cold shoulders and polite snubs, you just need one employer to say “yes.” After all,…

How You Can Use Social Media as a Useful Tool in Your Job Search

How You Can Use Social Media as a Useful Tool in Your Job Search

In recent years, social media has expanded its influence into every aspect of modern life. Unsurprisingly, then, it has become an increasingly common part of the job-search process. For instance, one study reported by Glassdoor showed that nearly eight in 10 candidates (79%) will leverage this tool in their attempts to find a position. In…