Winter Safety Tips for Your Workplace

Winter has its benefits. Skiing. Skating. The holidays. However, it has more than its fair share of downsides as well. Shoveling. Bad driving. Heavy coats. 

Unfortunately, workplace safety falls into this last category. Winter weather presents particular safety challenges. It’s nothing that you can’t prepare for. But keeping your workers safe during the winter months takes some preparation and awareness. 

Here are some of the main safety threats that become more pronounced during the winter, along with some tips on how to keep everyone happy and healthy during the season: 

Safe Travels 

Getting to work safely is as essential as remaining safe on the job. Winter weather can quickly turn travel into a harrowing experience. Snow, wind, ice, hail – when things get bad, it makes the roads extremely dangerous.  

As such, don’t force workers to brave terrible driving conditions. Create work-from-home options for those who can telecommute. For those who can’t, let them use their judgment on whether it’s safe to drive. 

Create an Effective Communication Network  

Of course, how can you alert your employees to a dangerous travel situation if you don’t have an active communication network? Disseminating information represents the first step in alleviating any safety emergency. This applies to winter weather as much as anything else.  

Set up a reliable communication chain with your employees. Test it under normal conditions to make sure it works. This structure will allow you to share data about temperatures and weather conditions, as well as updates of policy and dress requirements for any task. 

Stay Warm 

One of the ways you know Ebenezer Scrooge is a bad boss early in A Christmas Carol is that he refuses to let Bob Cratchit burn that extra piece of coal. Keeping your employees warm is a foundational responsibility. Of course, you’re no Scrooge. However, if your workers are operating outside during cold days, it’s up to you to take the necessary steps to make sure they have the right clothes and access to a warming station.  

Slips and Falls 

Slips and falls are already among the biggest causes of workplace injuries. Winter weather only makes them more likely. Ice and snow create a near-constant slipping hazard. These dangers aren’t limited to the outside, either. Workers track snow into your facility, increasing the slipping risk indoors as well. It makes it a near-constant threat during the season. 

Do what you can to combat this. Clear walkways and parking lots as quickly as possible. Use ice melt to get rid of slick spots, and create some traction to help people remain upright. Inside, have mats where workers can wipe their feet and clean up any wet patches as quickly as possible. 

Creating a safe environment should be a top priority for any employer. Having the right staff in place makes that goal easier to achieve. Teaming with a reliable recruiting partner, like SmartTalent, gives you access to the type of conscientious, responsible workers, you need to maximize your safety profile. 

Contact SmartTalent today to learn how they can upgrade your team today. 



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