Your Guide to Recruiting on Social Media

Social media exists in a sphere of contradiction. Any 15-year-old can manipulate it to their will, but billiondollar companies still have trouble extracting maximum value from the major social media platforms. Nowhere is this truer than in the realm of recruiting. 

Very few companies get all they can from the recruiting possibilities offered by social media. That’s a shame because the medium provides an excellent opportunity to find and to research interesting candidates. To help you improve your social media recruiting, here’s a guide to maximizing your efforts: 

Build an Employer Brand 

You probably already leverage your social media presence to advertise your products and services. That’s aobvious use of the medium. Apply the same concept to the field of recruiting. 

Think of it as marketing aimed at potential job seekers. Your goal is to build an image of your company as an excellent place to work. Highlight the long-term value to your firm, including the kind of new skills your employees receive. At the same time, stress the fulfilling worker experience you provide. This will improve your employer brand and make you a target destination for any candidate researching a position. 

Spotlight Your Culture 

Culture is one of the most critical aspects of recruiting and keeping top talent. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the hardest to communicate. At least it’s hard to communicate through words alone.  

Social media gives you a more flexible outlet. You can engage in multiple mediums and find innovative ways to deliver your message. It allows you to communicate your culture with the outside world, further solidifying your employer brand. 

Seek Out Specialized Networks 

Online culture is made up of thousands of little niches. This represents one of the great attributes of social media platformsthey allow people with highly specialized interests to form networks. You can benefit from this as well. You can find these networks, giving you an edge when you need to find a niche skillset. 

Get Your Staff Involved 

Remember the first word in the term “social media.” That is, take advantage of the social part. Each of your employees likely already cultivates their own social media presence. They have a hard-won amateur experience that they can put to use for the company. Also, the more people involved, the broader the network you can reach.  

Tap into these benefits by opening your social media strategy to the organization as a whole. Find ways to get employees involved. Sponsor contests or host events at spark engagement online. These will help you generate interest and entice potential recruits to make contact. 

Hunt for Talent  

Social media doesn’t just represent a way to attract high-level talent. It also provides you an opportunity to hunt out the perfect candidate. In other words, don’t just passively wait for the right candidates to find you. Using social media, hunt out exciting talent, and take the initiative of making contact.  

Research Candidates 

Even if you don’t use social media to recruit potential candidates directly, it represents an essential resource for research. For prospects who apply through other means, you can use Twitter, Instagram, and other platforms as a way to learn more about them. It will help you learn as much as you can about every applicant. 

Social media provides an excellent opportunity to find and vet new talent. You can multiply these abilities by teaming with a reliable recruiting partner, like SmartTalent. They can bring you the kind of workers you need to build a dynamic, innovative team.   

Contact SmartTalent today to learn more. 



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