The Best Job Interview Question to Spot a Red Flag

The Best Job Interview Question to Spot a Red Flag

It’s the end of the job interview. You’ve deftly answered each of their questions, spotlighting your best qualities and underlining your value as an employee. There’s just one more stage to the discussion: it’s time for you to ask your questions.

Given the limited amount of time, you want to get the most value out of this moment. What’s the best question to ask? You want something that will help you gauge the value of the opportunity.

If all goes well, there might be a job offer on the horizon. You want to know whether you should jump on it or move on to something more promising. To that end, here’s the best job interview question to help you spot red flags at a potential employer:

“If you had the power to change one thing about the company, what would it be?”

Of course, having a little inside information can help enormously. A top recruiter, like SmartTalent, can give crucial insights about the best employers in your industry. Reach out to SmartTalent to learn everything you need to make a healthy career decision.

During the interview, though, you still need a strategic approach. Asking the “power to change” question can check multiple boxes at once. Here are some of the ways this question helps unearth red flags about a potential employer:

Getting the Most from Your Interview

It’s important to understand the purpose of asking questions at an interview. First, remember that it is still part of their assessment of you. It’s not a “time out” from the hiring process — you want to frame questions that keep you in a positive light.

There is a second key function as well. You also want to gather pertinent information about the company. You need to know whether to aggressively pursue an offer if you receive one or whether you should look elsewhere for your dream job.

Asking about things that could be improved at the company lets you scope around for red flags. Meanwhile, the wording of this question doesn’t become overly antagonistic. You gain insights into the firm’s shortcomings without putting yourself in a bad light.

Engage Your Interviewers

Building a personal connection with your interviewers will help you get hired. You want to be remembered and get decision-makers on your side.

Of course, this is difficult to accomplish over the course of a short interview. Still, your questions during the conversation can have an impact. By asking “if you had the power to change one thing,” you engage your interviewers directly — you are asking for their opinions. It helps nurture a connection.

A bond is easier to form when you’re a great match for the open position. SmartTalent makes this more likely. Connect with SmartTalent to find ideal opportunities for you.

Do Your Research

Going into an interview, learn as much as you can about the potential employer. This way, you don’t waste time discussing information you could gather elsewhere. At the same time, you can showcase your knowledge and target your queries to crucial areas.

A healthy research effort will also let you contextualize small details you pick up in the interview. When you ask your interviewers if they would change something at the company, they might be vague or elusive in their answers. However, with a deep background in mind, you can break whatever code they use and pick up on any subtle red flags.

Other Questions to Ask

Looking for more good questions to ask at the end of your interview? Here are a few options to consider:

  • What abilities do you think are most critical to succeed in this position?
  • What do you appreciate most about working here?
  • Did you have any concerns about me as a candidate for this position?
  • Can you provide more details about the corporate culture here?

Want to ace your next interview? SmartTalent can help you improve your job search skills and find the best opportunities available.

Contact SmartTalent today to learn more.

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