Civilian Job Search Strategies for Retired Service Members

SmartTalent - Civilian Job StrategiesRetired service members might find it difficult to find a job once returning to civilian life. They may not know the best methods available for a job search or how they should answer questions during job interviews. In this post, we discuss the best strategies for civilian job searches being performed by retired service members.

Organize the Job Search

One of the most important things a former military member now living as a civilian must take into account is that he or she should organize the job search. An unorganized job search will lead to struggles securing an interview and finding a job.

You should assess your skills by obtaining a copy of your Verification of Military Experience and Training using the Department of Defense Transition GPS website. Think about taking a career assessment test to help identify your skills from the military and how they translate to civilian jobs.

Research into jobs that interest you is key. Browse  job boards to find jobs that match your skill level. Then, read trade publications to figure out which jobs are best for your experience and educational background.

Check your military licenses to see if they can be transferred to civilian licenses. Most military licenses will not transfer to civilian ones, but this is not the end of the road during your job search. To figure out what licenses transfer, visit the Credentialing Opportunities Online website from the Army.

Make sure you set a schedule for your job search. This includes setting a specific amount of time each day for the job search, including editing your resume and cover letter. Be sure you track your time spent on the job search so you do not miss a beat during the week. The records you keep should also include which jobs you applied to at which companies and the date you submitted the application. Doing this will allow you to easy follow up with applications submitted.

Another excellent tip is to set goals for your job search. Make sure your goals are attainable and easy enough to change along the way if necessary. The goals of the job search should entail the type of job you want to acquire, the salary range and the location of the job.

Ask Yourself These Questions

When preparing to begin a civilian job search following a military career, you should ask yourself the following questions:

  • What type of work do I want to perform?
  • What skills, talents and experiences do I already have that translate to the civil workforce?
  • Will I require added training or education to reach my goal?
  • How can I make the transition back to civilian life easy for myself and my family?
  • How can I make my skills and experience as competitive as possible in the job market?

Finding a job is difficult enough today. When you are ready to commit to your job search, contact the experienced professionals at the top staffing firm in Fife, WA. SmartTalent can help you find the best position for your skills and experience following a military career.

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