How to Make Your Office More Fun for Your Staff

Work is never going to be a rave in Ibiza. We know this…unless, of course, you happen to be a DJ. But for the rest of us, the definition of “fun” has to be tempered a bit for the office. Just like there’s “business casual,” which doesn’t include hoodies or yoga pants, you should think about creating “office fun,” which doesn’t involve blowing off work to get to happy hour by noon.

But there are things you can do to make the workplace lighter and more engaging. It may feel a little like goofing off, but allowing employees to blow off steam can keep office stress under control, which can provide some productivity boosts. Meanwhile, building connections within your team will pay off in better working relationships, leading to more creative decision making and higher output.

Décor and Decorations

Start with the basics. A pleasant office acts as a baseline for employee comfort. Provide an environment that is clean and inviting, which will help foster an amiable vibe.

Supplement this with decorations for special occasions. Jazz up the place with a little fun. Keep up with the major holidays of course, but find surprising ones to mix in as well: International Cat Lover’s Day, or Squirrel Appreciation Day (yeah, it’s a real thing…it’s on January 21).

Free Snacks

Raises and bonuses get expensive. But a little cash to keep the break room stocked with goodies goes a long way to maintain high spirits. (Just don’t forget the healthy options!) After all, everyone likes free stuff and It’s a relatively small price to pay for a sizable morale boost.

Social Gatherings

Work can feel like a lonely place. In a world dominated by telecommuting and the gig economy, employees can go months without seeing some of their colleagues. Even for those who come to the office every day, busy schedules and a focus on productivity conspire against developing social bonds.

Tear down these barriers by sponsoring regular team get-togethers. Besides livening the overall mood, the outings can double as team-building experiences. You can build bonds that make work both more fun and more productive.

Focus on People

Get to know your workers as people, as individuals, and not just cogs in the corporate wheel. Talk to them about their outside interests and share details of your personal life with them. Moreover, make sure your workers know each other. These connections will bind the team further together.

Encourage Work-Life Balance

People always talk about work-life balance. As a manager, you can do more than anyone to encourage it…for everyone in the office. Actively encourage your team to develop outside interest. Don’t infringe on their free time unless it is absolutely necessary, so they have adequate time to spend with their loved ones. The good vibes will permeate the whole office.

A fun, yet productive, office environment becomes easier when you have the right team in place. A high-level recruiter, like SmartTalent, can help you gather the talent you need to foster a creative, inspiring, and profitable workplace.

Contact SmartTalent today to learn more.

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