Why Automation is Future of Accounting
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Why Automation is Future of Accounting

Yes, automation continues to take over the accounting profession. No, that doesn’t mean you’ll eventually be replaced by a robot. However, it does mean that the job description for the average accountant will change dramatically, as artificial intelligence becomes more central to the process. Are you ready for automation, the future of accounting? Think about…

3 Things to Do Before Work Every Morning to Make Yourself More Productive

3 Things to Do Before Work Every Morning to Make Yourself More Productive

Your alarm rings. Time to wake up. You yawn, stretch, and avoid the temptation to hit snooze. It’s time to get ready for the daily grind. But are you doing enough in the morning before work to make yourself productive throughout the day? It’s a crucial question. The steps you take before work set up…

Watch Out for These Red Flags in Job Descriptions
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Watch Out for These Red Flags in Job Descriptions

Job searches often get frustrating. Feelings of demoralization can lead you to attack any potential position, no matter how unpromising it seems. But don’t get desperate. Watch out for red flags in job descriptions and stay away from scams and other wastes of time. Unemployment represents a scary time in any worker’s life. Given the…

Do You Have a Bad Relationship With Your Boss? Use These Tips to Improve It
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Do You Have a Bad Relationship With Your Boss? Use These Tips to Improve It

They say, “careers are all about relationships.” Just look at all the resources that go into networking. But your most crucial relationship at work can also be the most intimidating (and the most frustrating): the one with your boss. You and your boss don’t have to be best friends. Sometimes those kinds of personal bonds…

The Top Career Benefits of Taking a Temp Job
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The Top Career Benefits of Taking a Temp Job

Building a career involves a mix of long stops and shortstops. Some positions provide years of experience and security. Others are just brief stopovers along the way. But short-term assignments aren’t devoid of long-term value. On the contrary, there are a lot of career benefits to taking a temp job. The key is getting the…