Tips on Getting the Most Out of an Exit Interview

Tips on Getting the Most Out of an Exit Interview

There’s a zombie outbreak that could infect your office. No, not the Walking Dead-type of threat, with shuffling monsters seeking out brains. Rather, we’re talking about the epidemic of zombie exit interviews menacing HR departments. Here’s the process we’re talking about: Employees leave. HR professionals ask questions. But nothing changes. One study published a few…

Interview Question Tips: Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?

Interview Question Tips: Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?

It’s hard to talk about the future. The endeavor gets even more difficult when the discussion has a significant impact on your present. That’s why it gets tough to answer the interview question “where do you see yourself in five years?” A lot can happen in five years. That’s how long Breaking Bad lasted. The…

How to Listen To Your Employees

How to Listen To Your Employees

Looking to upgrade your operations and to accelerate growth? Of course you are. That’s the point of business. Achieving those goals might start with listening to your own employees. Your current team represents an excellent resource to fuel innovation. Research suggests that the vast majority of your workers have ideas that could improve your business….