Help, I’m Not Ready For an Interview: How to Prepare and What Questions to Ask

Help, I’m Not Ready For an Interview: How to Prepare and What Questions to Ask

Finally got invited to a job interview? Congratulations! Your hard work paid off. However, you can only take a moment or two to celebrate. You still have work to do. Getting a job interview is hard. Companies often receive hundreds of applications for open positions, meaning your odds of getting an invite for a formal…

What to Expect from your First Pre-Employment Background Screening

What to Expect from your First Pre-Employment Background Screening

Much of the hiring process goes on behind the scenes. As a candidate, you don’t participate as companies gather information or hold debates about your merits. For the most part, you can’t do much to influence these aspects of the procedure. However, you should understand as much as possible and do what you can to…