Clean Up Your Facebook Profile While Job Searching With These Tips

Clean Up Your Facebook Profile While Job Searching With These Tips

Don’t be surprised if a potential employer stalks your Facebook profile. It’s just part of the snooping (or “due diligence” if you’re using corpo-speak) any responsible HR staffer would do before recommending a hire. Knowing this, you should take whatever steps are necessary to clean up your profile and make sure your Facebook presence helps you…

How to Make Friends at Work as an Introvert

How to Make Friends at Work as an Introvert

Any career expert will tell you that networking is the key to achieving professional success. There’s a potential catch in that strategy, though: what if you’re an introvert? What if you just aren’t very good at making friends at work? This personality trait makes it difficult to do the relationship-building necessary to develop a truly significant network. Does…

Why Temporary Work Might Be Right for You

Why Temporary Work Might Be Right for You

When you seek job-search advice, most of the information you’ll find assumes you want a stereotypical nine-to-five, 40-hour-a-week, keep-it-as-long-as-they-let-you position. However, there are other options. You might be more suited for temporary work at this point in your career. People sometimes view temp work as a last resort. However, it provides some advantage to full-time,…

Do You Suffer From the Sunday Scaries? Here are 3 Ways to Fast Track Your New Job Hunt!

Do You Suffer From the Sunday Scaries? Here are 3 Ways to Fast Track Your New Job Hunt!

A job hunt can present a frightening situation, as you search for a way to fast-track your quest for a career-boosting opportunity. The weekend can provide a brief pause in the worry cycle. But the reprise can be all too brief. With Monday looming, and another round of searches and daunting applications, you can succumb…