Managing Millennials

Managing Millennials

It’s been an obsession of business writers for a least the past decade and a half: what to do about millennials? When they were teenagers, people fretted about how to market to them. Then, concern shifted to how to deal with them as new college graduates in the workplace. Now, with the older cohort of…

The Cost of a Bad Hire

The Cost of a Bad Hire

The direct financial cost of a bad hire can mount quickly. Start adding up the time and effort of the recruitment process, plus the onboarding and training for the short-lived employee. Throw in that person’s salary for the brief time they worked for you and it can really add up. As painful as the financial…

Managing Remote Workers

Managing Remote Workers

If you’re managing staff members who work remotely, setting your team up for success is more important than ever. As the telecommuting economy booms, you need to be prepared to accommodate and effectively manage your remote workers. Managing remote workers isn’t just about making sure tasks get done, you always want to focus on making…

Are You Micromanaging?

Are You Micromanaging?

As a manager, you want your staff performing at their peak. To some, that means pushing employees to their breaking point. To the best leaders, it means inspiring workers to be productive and successful. If your employees keep looking over their shoulder and finding you there, you may see a decrease in effectiveness. Ask yourself…