The Benefits of a Coaching Leadership Style

The Benefits of a Coaching Leadership Style

Strong leadership drives your team forward. Mastering your optimal management style can improve productivity, increase retention, and enhance employee satisfaction. But what’s the best way to accomplish these goals? A coaching leadership style could represent the right choice for you. This approach helps you get the most out of your team in the near term…

Developing a High-Performance Team Culture

Developing a High-Performance Team Culture

The name might seem self-explanatory. A high-performance culture is one that encourages your operations to run at the loftiest levels of output. This commitment means you value success and achievement while positioning your organization for long-term growth. However, this definition only scratches the surface. It’s relatively easy to say that you want to drive maximum…

Job Description Updates That Will Gain You More Applicants

Job Description Updates That Will Gain You More Applicants

Think of how much effort job seekers put into their resumes—agonizing over every word, weighing potential formats, obsessively proofreading it over and over. Do you put the same care into crafting your job descriptions? You probably should. After all, in most cases, these posts provide your main introduction to the talent you hope to recruit….

The Cost-Effective Benefits of Partnering With a Staffing Company

The Cost-Effective Benefits of Partnering With a Staffing Company

Finding the ideal employees can represent an expensive proposition. While the amount changes based on the position and the circumstances surrounding the hire, one estimate put the average cost of recruiting a new employee at around $4,000. However, you can take steps to reduce that amount. Specifically, a partnership with a staffing company can cut…

Onboarding and Retention! Is Your Onboarding Process Setting Your Top Candidates Up For Success?

Onboarding and Retention! Is Your Onboarding Process Setting Your Top Candidates Up For Success?

It’s your new hire’s first day on the job. Too early to worry about them leaving? Not really. Retention begins the minute your fresh employee begins their tenure at your company. Statistics show that a strong onboarding process can make a major difference in keeping your best talent over the long haul. One study showed…