End Of The Year Evaluations: What Worked And What Didn’t

SmartTalent - End of the Year EvaluationsWith the calendar moving closer to January, companies across the country will begin to hold their “end-of-year evaluations” for departments and individual employees. Many companies have done away with the annual evaluations, but there are plenty out there that still hold them. End-of-year evaluations are important for companies to determine which areas of the company were successful during the year and which ones were not. They can help companies improve in various areas of business in an effort to succeed in their industry.

Examine Customer Service at the Company

One of the first things you must do is examine the customer service at the company at the end of each year. This will help management understand where some of the biggest problems occurred with employees when it comes to customer relations. It will also show the company where major improvement is needed. How your customers are treated is the most important standard for your company because it is all part of the image your company exudes. You need to find if there were any complaints filed with the company that were never resolved so you can fix the issue immediately.

List all Company Accomplishments

As a management team, you need to sit down at year’s end and create a list of the accomplishments of the organization. You can break them down based on department to make it easier to analyze. When you do this, you not only find areas that need to improve, but you can figure out which department performed the best over the last year. The list must be shared with employees and other management so everyone knows where the company did well and where it needs improvement. You should also use the list to reward or recognize your employees for a job well done.

Assess Core Services

Your company must also take a long look at the core services it offers customers and clients. Figure out which ones are the most profitable and which ones have been hemorrhaging money. You also need to look at which products can be enhanced or altered to improve their efficiency in the market. If they cannot be changed, then they need to be dropped from your service list. This is also a good time to take a look at how well your products or services are aligned with your client-base. If your clients have changed, maybe it is time to alter the products offered.

Evaluate Individual Employees

The next thing you must do is hold annual employee evaluations. This will enable you to pinpoint where some issues are present within the organization, allowing you to make changes with staffing or let them know what needs to change for them to be successful in the coming year.

If you are planning a company-wide year-end review, be sure to speak with an experienced staff member at Smart Talent today to plan your review.

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