Human Resources Tips for Showing Appreciation to Employees

Human Resources Tips for Showing Appreciation to Employees

SmartTalent helps companies throughout Western Washington to build a solid workforce with great staff members. Once you have skilled workers on your team, you want to keep them there and you want to maintain motivation. This means making your workforce feel valued. Human resources, managers, and other executives and business leaders can all work together…

Common Myths About Hiring Temporary Employees

Common Myths About Hiring Temporary Employees

Temporary employees can fill an important need for organizations, and hiring temp workers can provide the opportunity for your business to take advantage of labor provided by skilled and experienced professionals. Many organizations, however, are uncertain about what is involved in hiring temp employees or are not confident that using temporary workers is the right…

How to Make a Temporary Employee Feel Welcome in Your Company

Temporary workers are the backbone of thousands of companies across the country. They help during peak seasons, when a full-time employee goes out on leave, and when there is a surprise uptick in volume at the company. Because of these reasons, it is essential to make temporary employees feel welcome in your company. Have Their…

Why Hire for Personality?

More and more companies are hiring employees based on their personality and not their experience or skills. As this trend continues to grow, your company should take a long look at its hiring process and consider doing the same. In today’s post, we will discuss why your company should hire on personality. Employees Can Learn…