Have You Been Disappointed by a Job Interview? What to do Next

Have You Been Disappointed by a Job Interview? What to do Next

Most job interviews are fails. Unfortunately, that’s just the math of the situation. An employer will likely interview 6-10 employees for an open position, with only one person eventually landing the job. That means you’ll likely come up short somewhere between 83%-90% of the time when you go for an interview. However, sometimes, an interview…

A Job Interview Checklist

A Job Interview Checklist

Get butterflies before job interviews? Don’t worry. You’re not alone. In fact, the feeling is almost universal: 93% of job seekers report feeling nervous before these crucial career turning points. You can ease this anxiety by knowing that you’re perfect for a particular job. A top recruiter, like SmartTalent, can connect you with the ideal…

Making a Career Switch? Follow These Tips to Find Your Calling

Making a Career Switch? Follow These Tips to Find Your Calling

Some career moves are minor adjustments. Others represent massive overhauls. If you’re looking to make a big change, the process can seem daunting. However, making a career shift can substantially increase your professional potential … and the possibility of finding your true calling. As significant a decision as a career shift is, most people go…

How to Dress to Impress Without Getting a Whole New Wardrobe

How to Dress to Impress Without Getting a Whole New Wardrobe

First impressions happen quickly. That’s part of their nature. No wonder so many candidates agonize about their wardrobes headed into job interviews. But how can you impress employers without emptying your bank account? After all, you’re looking for a job — you might not have a paycheck coming in. That leaves very little in your…