Looking for The Perfect Resume Builders? Try Temp Jobs!

Looking for The Perfect Resume Builders? Try Temp Jobs!

You don’t get much time to impress employers. Studies show that the average resume only gets a few seconds of attention before hiring managers make a decision. It’s important that your work history has all the right experience to keep you in contention. But how do you build your resume quickly and efficiently? Temporary positions…

Job Description Updates That Will Gain You More Applicants

Job Description Updates That Will Gain You More Applicants

Think of how much effort job seekers put into their resumes—agonizing over every word, weighing potential formats, obsessively proofreading it over and over. Do you put the same care into crafting your job descriptions? You probably should. After all, in most cases, these posts provide your main introduction to the talent you hope to recruit….

What You Should Already Know About the Employer Before Going Into The Interview

What You Should Already Know About the Employer Before Going Into The Interview

Success usually requires significant preparation. That’s certainly true for job interviews. Headed into your meeting with a prospective employer, you should already know as much as possible about the company. Armed with this information, you can raise your chances of scoring the job. Rather than treating each interview as a generic event, your research allows…

The Cost-Effective Benefits of Partnering With a Staffing Company

The Cost-Effective Benefits of Partnering With a Staffing Company

Finding the ideal employees can represent an expensive proposition. While the amount changes based on the position and the circumstances surrounding the hire, one estimate put the average cost of recruiting a new employee at around $4,000. However, you can take steps to reduce that amount. Specifically, a partnership with a staffing company can cut…

5 Reasons Why You Should Accept a Position That Challenges You

5 Reasons Why You Should Accept a Position That Challenges You

You’re probably not that enthusiastic about heading to your job each day. That’s not a personal judgment — it’s a statistical fact. To remedy that boredom and frustration and to push your career to new heights, you should seek out a position that challenges you. First, let’s look at those stats. One study found that…