Workplace Safety: Does Your Company Have a Positive Safety Culture?

Workplace Safety: Does Your Company Have a Positive Safety Culture?

Safety is a lifestyle. To lower the chances of accidents, safe procedures should become part of everybody’s everyday routine. This means building a positive safety culture. Getting to that place takes some work. It’s not enough to create the right safety policies. You need more. Specifically, you need buy in from every level of the…

When Was the Last Time You Updated Your Job Descriptions?

When Was the Last Time You Updated Your Job Descriptions?

Are you getting the right candidates for your open positions? Are you getting any qualified candidates at all? Do you have to sift through reams of unpromising resumes before you find that rare exciting applicant? If you’re getting the wrong answers to these questions, you should rethink your process. In fact, you might need to…

Why Automation is Future of Accounting
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Why Automation is Future of Accounting

Yes, automation continues to take over the accounting profession. No, that doesn’t mean you’ll eventually be replaced by a robot. However, it does mean that the job description for the average accountant will change dramatically, as artificial intelligence becomes more central to the process. Are you ready for automation, the future of accounting? Think about…

Workplace Safety: 5 Common OSHA Violations and How to Prevent Them

Workplace Safety: 5 Common OSHA Violations and How to Prevent Them

You want the best for your workers. You strive to maintain the highest safety standards and avoid risk as much as possible. Still, you worry about OSHA violations. Good intentions aren’t always enough. You need to know the most common OSHA violations and how to prevent them. The prospect of OSHA fines can be scary….